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This page generates gradients for the Dawnbringer 32 color palette. A gradient is calculated by assuming that you have an object of a particular color, lit by a point light of a particular color to provide highlights, and ambient light of another color to illuminate shadows. The reflectivity slider makes the object more or less reflective. The more reflective an object is, the less its own color will figure into the color of the gradient.

The default values for the highlight and ambient color are meant to approximate daylight.

As a rule, the highlight should be fairly bright and the ambient light should be fairly dark.

Adjust the illumination slider to skew the palette toward light or shadows. Moving it to the left will result in bright colors, whereas moving it to the right will result in dark colors with dramatic highlights.

The highlight multiplier is meant to allow your highlight color to exceed an intensity of #ffffff for the purpose of calculating the gradient, which is good for highlights that need to be very bright but also saturated. The RGB values will be clamped to 255 in the final output. The default value (the slider all the way to the left) is a multiplier of 1.

Object color:
Highlight color:
Ambient color:
Reflectivity: (--> More reflective)
Illumination: (--> Darker)
Highlight Multiplier: (--> Brighter)
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